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Short Story Criticism, Volume 170. Ed. Lawrence J. Trudeau, Detroit: Gale/Cengage, 2012.
This series presents critical views on the most widely studied writers of short fiction. Each volume includes overviews of three to six short story writers, works, or topics and a historical survey of the critical response. Approximately 90-95% of critical essays are full text.
Volume 170 features three short story writers: Jorge Luis Borges, 1899-1986 : entry devoted to the short story "The Aleph" (1945) -- Thomas Mann, 1875-1955 : entry devoted to the novella Death in Venice (1912) -- Colum McCann, 1965- : Irish-born American short-story and novella writer, novelist, essayist, journalist, and screenwriter.
John Cusatis served as Volume Advisor for the Colum McCann entry and contributed the introduction, two excerpts from the critical study Understanding Colum McCann (2011) and an original interview commissioned by the publisher for this volume and conducted on 10 April 2012.
Signed Entries by John Cusatis:
"Fishing the Sloe-Black River and Everything in this Country Must" (reprinted from Understanding Colum McCann, 2011)
"An Interview with Colum McCann"
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